Mental, Physical & Financial Success Starts Here


JPIMA was founded with the aim of assisting families in need of financial stability in our communities and worldwide. We provide high-quality opportunities to help you earn more money! Our primary goal is to support you in achieving mental, physical and financial success. As an independent marketing company, we promote and utilize all the products available on our site. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please take a moment to leave any comments or criticisms in the message area below. We are dedicated to continuous improvement so that we can better serve and support you!


Age limit

Age restrictions apply: all the companies do not permit those under 18 to use the Service. We do our best to restrict access to our sites, products and services to minors. Even if the content of our products and services is not of a shocking nature, we prefer to target a mature audience capable of understanding the implications and responsibilities of the business world. Any subscriber who does not meet these criteria will be deleted from our database as soon as this is brought to our attention. Likewise, any customer who does not meet these criteria will be reimbursed immediately and a return of the product(s) concerned will be required. 

Our Mission is to provide an opportunity for anyone, with the desire to change their situation, a vehicle to achieve the change! Whether you need to make more money, get your health back to a standard of excellence or need the freedom to relieve the mental stressers that can become dehabilitating over time if unmanaged!

 As of the latest data, about 57.8 million adults in the United States experienced mental illness in 2021. This represents around 22.8% of all U.S. adults. Additionally, about 14.1 million adults had serious mental illness, which is a subset of mental illness that significantly impairs one's ability to function in daily life. Mental health issues also affect younger populations, with about 1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experiencing a mental health disorder each year.

 These numbers highlight the widespread impact of mental health issues across the country.


It's difficult to determine an exact number of people who live above their means in the United States because this concept is subjective and varies based on individual circumstances, spending habits, and financial management. However, several indicators suggest that a significant portion of Americans may be living above their means:


  1. Credit Card Debt: As of 2023, the average American household has around $7,000 to $9,000 in credit card debt, indicating that many people rely on borrowing to finance their lifestyle.

  2. Savings: Many Americans have minimal savings. A 2022 survey found that about 56% of Americans couldn’t cover a $1,000 emergency expense with savings, suggesting that a large number of people are living paycheck to paycheck, which is often a sign of living above one's means.

  3. Debt-to-Income Ratios: High debt-to-income ratios are common, with many households spending a large portion of their income on servicing debt, which can be an indicator of overextending financially.

While there isn't a precise statistic, these factors imply that a significant portion of the U.S. population may be living beyond their financial means.


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Are you looking to change your situation? Join the JPIMA Community and surround yourself with like minded individuals with the goal of CHANGE!


What We Offer

A collaborative and creative lifestyle that supports all the growth you can achieve. Truly a community atmosphere!


What We’re Looking For

Dedication to driving growth and success

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be part of something extraordinary.


As of recent data, approximately 73.6% of adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese. This includes about 42.5% who are classified as obese and about 31.1% who are considered overweight but not obese.


These numbers are based on BMI (Body Mass Index) classifications, where a BMI of 25-29.9 is considered overweight, and a BMI of 30 or above is considered obese. The prevalence of overweight and obesity has been increasing over the past few decades, making it a significant public health concern in the U.S.



 We are here to help you change your life!

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